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Great solidarity festival of village people 7

Thứ sáu - 10/11/2023 02:14
On the morning of November 10, Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh; Representatives of leaders of departments, divisions and branches of the province and Bu Dang district attended and enjoyed the great national solidarity festival with the people of village 7, Doan Ket commune.
Village 7 residential area currently has 166 households, 762 people, of which the proportion of ethnic minorities accounts for nearly 70%. The lives of the people in the village are mainly agricultural production. Of the 381 hectares of planted area, there are 315 hectares of cashew trees, 35 hectares of rubber trees, and the rest are coffee, pepper and fruit trees.
The people of Village 7, Doan Ket commune warmly welcomed the delegates to attend and enjoy the national solidarity festival.
During the year, people in the village actively participated in patriotic emulation movements and campaigns, contributing 208 million VND to build 3 1km long cement concrete roads; Cleared 3.5km of roads and planted 2 flower routes.
Impressive musical performances performed by the people of village 7
Implementing the movement to help each other do business, branches and associations have well promoted the Capital Revolving Fund with a total amount of nearly 240 million VND, helping 42 members borrow to develop production, including helping 3 members escape poverty. ... Up to now, the village still has 7 poor households and 16 near-poor households. Building a cultural life, the village has over 98% of households achieving cultural family status, and the residential area of ​​village 7 has achieved the title of cultural residential area for seven consecutive years.
Delegates attended and enjoyed the great national solidarity festival with the people of village 7
At the festival, Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh hoped that in the coming time, the people of Village 7 would continue to promote the spirit of community solidarity, help each other develop economically, and maintain security. security and order in residential areas, preserving traditional cultural values ​​of ethnic groups, actively participating in building new rural areas, contributing to local socio-economic development.
Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh spoke at the great national solidarity festival of village 7
At the festival, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of province and Bu Dang district gave flowers and gifts to congratulate the people of village 7; The Commune People's Committee awarded certificates of merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas" in 2023. 
On this occasion, the commune also donated 20 gifts to poor households and disadvantaged families.
Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh presented flowers and gifts from the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province to the people of village 7
Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh presented gifts to the collective of Doan Ket commune
Member of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Tran Tuyet Minh awarded logos to 2 typical cultural households at the provincial level in village 7
Bu Dang district leaders gave flowers and gifts to congratulate officials and people of village 7
Leaders of Doan Ket commune awarded certificates of merit to groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas" in 2023.
Sponsors also campaigned to give 20 gifts to poor households and disadvantaged families in Village 7

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