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Culture, Sports and Tourism Industry Law Day Conference 2023

Thứ sáu - 10/11/2023 01:48
On the afternoon of November 9, 2023, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized the 2023 Culture, Sports and Tourism Industry Law Day Conference.
Attending the Conference were Mr. Pham Van Thuan - Chief Inspector of Binh Phuoc province - Provincial legal rapporteur; Mr. Tran The Anh - Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Leaders of specialized departments under the Department; Leaders of public service units under the Department; representative of the Department of Culture and Information; Cultural and Sports Centers of districts, towns, cities and all civil servants, public employees and workers in the entire Culture, Sports and Tourism sector.
Overview of the training session
Speaking at the opening ceremony at the Conference, Mr. Tran The Anh - Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism emphasized: Implementing the Law on Dissemination and Legal Education in 2012; Decree No. 28/2013/ND-CP dated April 4, 2013 of the Government detailing and implementing measures for a number of articles of the Law on Dissemination and Education of Law. Implement Official Dispatch No. 1954/UBND-NC dated June 14, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee on instructions to respond to the Law Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Implement Plan No. 2991/KH-SVHTTDL dated October 11, 2023 of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on Organizing the Law Day of the Culture, Sports and Tourism Industry in 2023 to continue quality implementation effectiveness of assigned tasks in 2023 according to Conclusion No. 80-KL/TW dated June 20, 2020 of the Secretariat on continuing to implement Directive No. 32-CT/TW dated December 9, 2003 of the Secretariat on strengthening the Party's leadership in the work of disseminating legal education and raising the awareness of law observance of officials and people; Popular Law, legal education; Law on Access to Information; Law on Mediation at the Grassroots and documents guiding the implementation of legal advocacy work; Directive documents of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee of Binh Phuoc province on this work.
At the Conference, officials, civil servants, public employees and workers throughout the industry heard the Rapporteurs introduce and exchange basic contents such as: Deploying and disseminating documents stipulating the Law on Anti-Corruption corruption; New points of the Anti-Corruption Law and related documents. Disseminating the Conclusions of the Provincial Party Committee and the Decision of the Provincial People's Committee on the Binh Phuoc province tourism development project for the period 2021 - 2025, with an orientation to 2030.
Through the Conference, we aim to well carry out the work of disseminating and educating the law, disseminating newly issued legal documents in the fields of culture, sports and tourism to civil servants, public employees and workers across the industry. Legal education dissemination activities are organized and implemented annually by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to contribute to raising awareness of officials, civil servants, public employees and workers throughout the industry. about the law, through which, have proper awareness in implementing and complying with the provisions of law./.

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