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Dong Phu gathered to celebrate Vietnamese Teachers' Day

Thứ sáu - 17/11/2023 03:13
On November 17, 2023, the Department of Education and Training of Dong Phu district solemnly held a meeting to celebrate the 41st anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day. Attending the meeting were leaders of the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, Fatherland Front Committee of the district, leaders of the District Party Committee; leaders of district departments and organizations; Officials and teachers with outstanding achievements attended.
Leaders of the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee of the district presented flowers to show gratitude to the teachers.

At the meeting, delegates and teachers reviewed the 41-year tradition of Vietnamese Teachers' Day. Speeches at the meeting affirmed the contributions of teachers in the cause of cultivating people as well as spreading the word. The system of respecting the teacher and respecting the religion has been formed, continued and promoted throughout the nation's history. Over the past years, teachers have always been steadfast in their political bravery, dedicated and enthusiastic about their profession; overcome difficulties, strive to promote the tradition of good teaching - good learning, always proactively innovate and be creative in the process of performing tasks, contributing to the educational development of the district. In the 2022-2023 school year, the work of universalizing preschool education for 5-year-old children, primary and secondary schools in the district is maintained; 11/11 communes and towns maintain the standard of universalizing preschool education for 5-year-old children. , 11/11 communes and towns maintain the standard of universalization of primary education level 3, 11/11 communes and towns meet the standard of universalization of secondary education level 2. Total number of schools meeting national standards The district has 12/27 schools meeting national standards, accounting for 44.44% of reaching the target assigned by the Provincial People's Committee. In 2023, teachers and students participating in district and provincial competitions won many high prizes. The Science and Technology Innovation Contest for middle school students at the district level won 22 prizes, and 06 prizes at the provincial level. In the provincial elementary school excellent teacher contest, 39/40 teachers won third prize in the entire group; In the provincial kindergarten excellent teacher contest, 39/39 teachers won third prize in the entire group. The provincial junior high school excellent teacher contest achieved 45/53 teachers, ranked second in the Division of Education and Training.
On this occasion, 01 collective received the emulation flag from the Prime Minister, 27 individuals received Certificates of Merit from the Prime Minister, 02 individuals received certificates of merit from the Ministry of Education and Training in the emulation movement "Innovation in management, teaching and learning in the education sector in the period 2021 - 2023"; 01 collective received a certificate of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in the emulation movement "Innovation in management, teaching and learning in the education sector in the period 2021 - 2023"; 01 collective received the emulation flag from the Provincial People's Committee, 10 collectives received Certificates of Merit from the Provincial People's Committee and 149 individuals received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. The District People's Committee awarded certificates of merit to outstanding and advanced labor collectives; Typical advanced and outstanding individuals in the education sector.

Nguồn tin: Cam Nhung

Tổng số điểm của bài viết là: 1 trong 1 đánh giá

Xếp hạng: 1 - 1 phiếu bầu

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