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Conference - Online seminar asking for comments on the project file on the Law on Cultural Heritage (amended)

Thứ ba - 14/11/2023 03:21
On November 13, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized an online conference and seminar with 44 points across the country to ask for comments on the project file on the Law on Cultural Heritage (amended).
Authorized by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Khac Vinh and leaders and experts of the Cultural Management Department; The Board of Directors and heads and deputy heads of specialized departments of the Provincial Museum attended at Binh Phuoc bridge.
Panoramic view of Binh Phuoc bridge

Chairing the conference and seminar, Mr. Hoang Dao Cuong, Member of the Party Committee, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism emphasized: The purpose of developing the Cultural Heritage Law project (amended) is to improve current legal regulations on cultural heritage. From there, we propose policies to ensure clear delineation: Policies of inherited nature; Policies need to be amended, supplemented or newly developed in accordance with the Constitution, ensuring consistency and synchronization between the provisions of the Cultural Heritage Law and other relevant laws; create favorable conditions for activities to protect and promote cultural heritage values, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management; Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in the field of cultural heritage and ensure harmony between conservation and development, preserving and promoting cultural heritage values ​​in social life.
The draft Law on Cultural Heritage (amended) has a layout of 10 chapters, 154 articles, an increase of 3 chapters, 81 articles compared to the current Law on Cultural Heritage. The basic content of the draft law focuses on the main content of three policies approved by the National Assembly, including: Policy on completing regulations on principles, subjects, order, and inventory procedures, identification, registration, management measures, protection and promotion of cultural heritage values ​​in the fields of tangible cultural heritage (relics, relics, antiques, national treasures), heritage intangible culture, documentary heritage and museum activities; Policies on improving the organizational and operational efficiency of agencies directly managing heritage, strengthening the content, responsibilities, and mechanisms for implementing decentralization and decentralization of state management of cultural heritage from central to local; Policies on enhancing content, mechanisms and policies to promote socialization and attraction, improving the efficiency of mobilizing resources to protect and promote cultural heritage values.
At the conference - workshop, delegates, experts, scientists and professional staff working in industries and localities focused on issues such as: Clarifying regulations and terms; amend and abolish regulations that are no longer practical or of low feasibility; Supplement new content arising in practice. In particular, delegates discussed to clarify ownership rights and rights related to cultural heritage; responsibility for state management of cultural heritage from central to local levels; mechanism to mobilize social resources to actively participate in protecting and promoting cultural heritage values; mechanism to ensure legal regulations on cultural heritage are enforced...
On behalf of the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr. Hoang Dao Cuong, received comments and contributions at the conference. conferences and seminars for the Ministry to continue researching and gradually perfecting the regulations in each article and each clause of the draft law.

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