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Opening ceremony of Binh Phuoc province football championship

Thứ sáu - 17/11/2023 03:33
Opening ceremony of Binh Phuoc province football championship
On the morning of November 17, at the Multi-purpose Gymnasium of the Provincial Sports Training Center. The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has officially opened the 5-a-side and 7-a-side football tournament in Binh Phuoc province in 2023. Participating in the tournament, there are more than 360
athletes from 24 teams who have entered the competition. at the 5-a-side and 7-a-side football tournament in Binh Phuoc province in 2023.
This year's tournament attracts 24 teams competing in youth and veteran content
Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Tran The Anh presented flags to the football teams
The organizing committee donated flags to the football teams
The tournament takes place until November 19 with the participation of 24 teams from agencies, units, districts, towns and cities in the province. In particular, in the youth content, there are 10 participating teams divided into 2 groups, competing on the indoor field; The veteran event attracts 14 teams divided into 4 groups, competing on natural grass.
In each content, teams will compete in a round robin, the top 2 teams in each group will advance to the next round to compete in the quarterfinals, semi-finals and championship cup.
A ball at the opening match in the youth event between the Provincial Military Command and the Dong Phu team
In the veteran event, teams compete with 7 people on a natural grass field
This is an activity in response to the campaign for all people to exercise physically following the example of the great Uncle Ho. At the same time, it meets the needs of exercise, sports, entertainment, creates a healthy playground, and contributes to improving the physical and mental health of officials, people and workers throughout the province.

10 clubs competing in the youth content include: Dong Phu, Phu Rieng, Binh Long, Hon Quan, Department of Health, Provincial Military Command, Hoang Duy Sport, Provincial Border Guard, Cuong Quyen Wedding, Food Clean products from Mother Ro Long Hung.
14 clubs competing in the veteran content include: Chon Thanh, Dong Phu, Binh Long, Phu Rieng, Phuoc Long, Hon Quan, Dong Xoai, Loc Ninh, U30 SCFC Nhat Phat, Tan Thien ward, Bao Khanh Media, KQL Bao Road maintenance, Department of Health, Department of Population.

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