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Binh Duong University accompanies the marathon in Binh Phuoc

Thứ sáu - 10/11/2023 01:55
In preparation for the 1st Binh Phuoc Marathon - Truong Tuoi Group, recently, Ha My Joint Stock Company, Tan Lap commune, Dong Phu district coordinated with Binh Duong University (Binh Duong province) to organize a meeting among the athletes participating in the tournament with marathon "mutant" Nguyen Van Long.
Marathon "mutant" Nguyen Van Long is considered by friends and media to be the "mutant" of Vietnamese runners. He is the first Vietnamese person to run across Vietnam with a distance of 2,656km, in 34 consecutive days. This time he will participate in the 1st Binh Phuoc marathon - Truong Tuoi Group in the team of Ha My Joint Stock Company.
Member of the Board of Directors of Ha My Joint Stock Company Nguyen Son Binh shares and encourages the spirit of athletes preparing to participate in the tournament
Participating in this running race, the Ha My Joint Stock Company team had about 40 athletes participating, including company officials, employees and students from Binh Duong University.
The first Binh Phuoc marathon - Truong Tuoi Group in 2023 is an opportunity for businesses, sponsors, and people inside and outside Binh Phuoc province to have the opportunity to come closer together, showing the spirit of solidarity, cordiality, Live happy and healthy.
Representative of Binh Duong University discussed with students who will join Ha My Joint Stock Company to participate in the marathon in Binh Phuoc
Encouragement, encouragement and help from Ha My Joint Stock Company, one of the co-sponsors of the tournament, as well as the bilateral relationship between the company and Binh Duong University have motivated the Generations of students study well and exercise well through sports tournaments.
With the motto "Every day's steps are a measure of longevity in life" that Ms. Nguyen Thi My, General Director of Ha My Joint Stock Company, sends to everyone, including athletes who are university students. Binh Duong students participated in the 1st Binh Phuoc marathon - Truong Tuoi Group tournament, creating an atmosphere of sports practice among young people. Practicing health through exercise, specifically running, has helped people connect and build good social relationships. Physical education classes, sports clubs and participation in community sporting events provide opportunities to meet and interact with others, allowing students to learn many skills. ability in life.
Marathon "mutant" Nguyen Van Long shares running techniques with athletes preparing to participate in the race
Binh Duong University is a school with 26 years of establishment and development. The school not only trains and provides society with high-quality human resources but also provides many athletes for the provincial and national teams. As well as connecting with businesses not only in training but also in sports, spreading community connections. 
With the message "Run of Champions", the 1st Binh Phuoc Marathon - Truong Tuoi Group will certainly be a breath of fresh air, promoting the sports movement in the province in general and in the student community. Binh Duong University in particular in the near future.

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