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Stimulate tourism demand at the end of the year

Thứ sáu - 10/11/2023 02:19
The end of the year is usually the time when the tourism industry has many incentive programs, promotions, and strong tourism stimulation. Especially in October, Quang Ninh plans to welcome 1 million visitors to attend events celebrating the 60th anniversary of the province's founding. Currently, many attractive promotions and preferential prices reduced by 20-30% are being applied by tourism service businesses to attract tourists.
Guests check in at FLC Ha Long hotel.
Guests check in at FLC Ha Long hotel.
Many high-end hotel chains and resorts in the province have year-end service prices reduced by 20-30% compared to the summer peak; Many units also have attractive accompanying service incentive programs, such as: At FLC Resort, room prices have been reduced by up to 50%, ranging from 550,000 VND/person for the last 3 months of the year. The unit also reduces the price of food, massage and spa services at the hotel by 10-15%. According to Mr. Vinayak Razdan, General Manager of FLC Grand Ha Long Hotel, to attract and expand the customer market, the company has taken full advantage of the available restaurant to organize wedding parties with diverse menus, Ingredients are carefully selected and processed. Besides, the wedding space is also designed extremely luxuriously with a large multi-purpose hall or an attractive swimming pool area. The average price is only from 300,000 VND/person.
Restaurant boat and overnight boat services on the Bay are also attractive tourism products, chosen by many tourists, especially international visitors at the end of the year. For restaurant train services, prices range from 1.2 million VND/person for daytime tours from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 800,000-900,000 VND/person for night tours from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. For overnight trains, ticket prices are reduced by 20-30%, at 3-3.5 million VND/person.
At entertainment spots such as Dragon Park under the Sun World Ha Long Amusement Complex, an extremely preferential ticket price of only 150,000 VND/ticket for both adults and children has been applied on opening days. every Saturday and Sunday. In particular, during holidays such as Halloween, Christmas, and New Year, the unit invests in decorations and sets to attract tourists to visit, take photos, and have fun.
The space at Dragon Park, part of Sun World Ha Long Amusement Complex, is uniquely designed to welcome Halloween.

The space at Dragon Park, part of Sun World Ha Long Amusement Complex, is uniquely designed to welcome Halloween. Photo provided by the supplier
Not only in Ha Long, other localities in the province also implemented a series of diverse stimulus programs, renewing existing tourism products. For example, Quang Ninh Gate Tourist Area has offered a combo package for 6 people for only 3,999,000 VND to optimize costs and increase experience during a family vacation. Guests can relax for 2 days and 1 night at a 4-star villa area, using amenities such as: Swimming pool, sauna, visiting eco-tourism areas, modern experiential tours and village cultural space.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, the tourism industry has made a shift to adapt and maximize the exploitation of natural resources and available infrastructure to strongly develop four-season tourism; Developing in parallel the traditional international tourist flow of the fall-winter season and domestic tourists, promoting propaganda and promotion to attract tourists. Ms. Nguyen Huyen Anh, Deputy Director of Quang Ninh Department of Tourism, said: In the last months of the year, Quang Ninh develops key tourism event groups including special events with regional characteristics, such as: Golden Season Binh Lieu, Yen Tu autumn, Onsen Quang Hanh hot mineral resort... Not only that, the advantage of the Van Don - Mong Cai highway also opens strong tourism development opportunities for the eastern localities of the province. , especially Mong Cai City, making this locality an attractive destination even during the fall and winter season.
Attractive children's experience area at Quang Ninh Gate Tourist Area.
Attractive experience spot for children at Quang Ninh Gate Tourist Area (Dong Trieu Town). Photo provided by the supplier
The province also focuses on developing the MICE (conference tourism) tourist flow with large numbers, high spending and not dependent on seasons. According to tourism experts, Quang Ninh is an indispensable destination on Vietnam's tourism map, especially MICE tourism because it possesses the highest quality of facilities in the North for organizing conferences, seminar. Besides, there is an outstanding advantage in transportation infrastructure with highways, seaports, and international airports being developed synchronously, connecting the major economic centers of Quang Ninh. To attract this influx of tourists, the provincial government needs to have more support packages for large-scale tourist groups, increasing their competitiveness compared to other localities.
In addition to the MICE tourist flow, the cruise tourist flow starting in October and ending in April every year promises to contribute to changing the seasonal tourism concept of Quang Ninh. Mr. Greulich Andreas, Captain of Mein Schiff 5, shared: Quang Ninh has many advantages to develop cruise tourism. Not only is it located on a very convenient sea route to bring visitors to Ha Long, where Ha Long Bay is located - a World Natural Heritage, but the province also owns many beautiful scenic relics and infrastructure systems. Synchronously developed, basic service facilities meet customer needs.
To meet the high demands of this "difficult" tourist stream, according to many researchers, Quang Ninh province needs to continue improving service quality, focusing on developing luxury tourism product lines, building plans Additional training plans ensure sufficient human resources. At the same time, promote the strengths of transportation infrastructure, paying attention to the arrangement of city attractions and planning appropriate parking spaces for visitors to stop to visit and take photos safely; Promoting control solutions to ensure security and safety for tourists when visiting...

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