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Tourism management

Chủ nhật - 20/10/2024 21:40
Duties of the Tourism Management Department
Advise the Director of the Department:
1. Develop plans, projects, programs for tourism development and socialization in the local tourism sector; appraise and inspect the progress of investment and development projects related to the tourism sector under the authority of the Department in the province;
2. State management of enterprises, associations and non-governmental organizations in the tourism sector;
3. Implement international cooperation on tourism when assigned or authorized;
4. Provide professional guidance on tourism to the Department of Culture and Information at the district level;
5. Organize research, apply scientific and technological advances, build information systems, and archives to serve tourism work;
6. Advise the Director on state management of the tourism sector according to the provisions of Clause 16, Article 3 of Decision No. 18/2023/QD-UBND dated March 14, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee;
7. Assist the Standing Committee of the Provincial Tourism Development Steering Committee;
8. Advise the Director of the Department on implementing development cooperation activities in the tourism sector and tourism promotion activities;
9. Perform other tasks assigned by the Director of the Department.

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