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Department Office

Chủ nhật - 20/10/2024 21:35
Duties of the Office
Advising the Director of the Department:
1. Administration - Management
1.1. Develop monthly, quarterly, 6-month, annual and long-term work programs and plans of the Department and monitor and summarize the implementation of work programs and plans; report periodically and suddenly to the Department's Departments and affiliated public service units; summarize the implementation of work programs and plans.
1.2. Organize conferences, meetings and work of the Department; perform reception work and preside over the reception of the Department's delegations; organize logistics to serve the Department's working delegations; issue notices of conclusions chaired by the Department's leaders in meetings and conferences; record minutes of the Department's conferences and meetings organized by the Office.
1.3. Perform the task of contacting and transacting with the Department's Departments, affiliated public service units, and the District-level Department of Culture and Information; agencies, units, organizations, individuals outside the Department and coordinate work between the Department's Department's Divisions and the Department's affiliated public service units.
1.4. Organize management, guidance and inspection of the implementation of the Department's regulations on document and archive work and the document and archive work of the Department's affiliated public service units.
1.5. Organize research and application of scientific, technical and technological advances; build an information and archive system to serve the state management and professional work of the Department.
1.6. Perform the task of providing and receiving information to press agencies, mass media, organizations and individuals on activities related to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism according to the provisions of law. Perform press reviews to serve the Department's Board of Directors and notify the Department's Board of Directors' instructions on issues raised in the press.
1.7. Managing technical facilities, assets, vehicles, ensuring working conditions to serve the general activities of the Department.
1.8. Managing the Department's electronic information page and presiding over coordination with the Department's Departments in scientific research related to the activities of the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector.
1.9. Tasks: Grassroots democracy regulations; government mass mobilization work; administrative reform; administrative procedure control; agency militia and self-defense; security and order; prevention and control of natural disasters and epidemics; occupational safety and hygiene.
1.10. Carrying out information work, reporting periodically and suddenly on the implementation of assigned tasks to the Provincial People's Committee, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
2. Financial and planning work
2.1. Approving financial settlements of budget units under the Department; preparing reports, synthesizing budget settlements and publicizing finance and budget; Manage the use of state assets of the Department and the budget units under the Department according to regulations; inspect the accounting and financial management of the public service units under the Department.
2.2 Guide the implementation of the autonomy mechanism for public service units under the Department according to the provisions of law; manage the activities of public service units under the management of the sector.
2.3. Manage and be responsible for assigned finances according to the provisions of law and according to the assignment or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee.
2.4. Develop plans, projects, long-term, five-year, annual development plans; target programs, action programs of the Department. Guide, inspect, and evaluate the implementation of plans, projects, long-term, five-year, and annual development plans; target programs of culture and tourism infrastructure.
2.5. Inspect and supervise the planning and finance of the state budget capital supporting the activities of associations, unions, and federations in the fields of culture, sports, tourism, and family in accordance with the provisions of law.
2.6. Implement policies and salary regimes for cadres and civil servants under the management of the Department in accordance with the provisions of law.
2.7. Develop internal spending regulations, implement thrift practices, and combat waste of the Department and its affiliated public service units in accordance with the provisions of law.
2.8. Implement reporting and statistical regimes, and establish information databases in the fields of the Industry. Monitor and evaluate the economic efficiency and investment contributions to society of enterprises operating in the fields of culture, family, physical education, sports, and tourism.
2.9. Participate in guiding and inspecting the implementation of the public finance administrative reform program in the fields of culture, family, physical education, sports and tourism.
3. Organization and personnel work:
3.1. Specify the functions, tasks and powers of the Office, Inspectorate, specialized departments and public service units under the Department, in accordance with the functions, tasks and powers of the Department according to the general guidance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and according to the regulations of the Provincial People's Committee.
3.2. Manage the organization, staffing, civil servant ranks, job positions, staff structure according to professional titles and the number of employees in public service units; implement salary regimes and policies, treatment regimes, training, fostering, commendation and discipline for civil servants, public employees and workers under the scope of management. management according to the provisions of law and according to the assignment or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee.
3.3. Recruitment, evaluation, transfer, rotation, appointment, retirement, and resignation of civil servants, public employees, and employees under the authority of the Department. Archiving personnel records according to regulations.
3.4. Emulation and reward work in the assigned management fields according to the provisions of the law on emulation and reward.
3.5. Training and fostering of expertise, profession, politics, and security - defense for civil servants and public employees of the Department.
3.6. Work: grassroots initiatives; Youth management; transparent declaration of assets and income.
3.7. Monitoring, urging, and inspecting the implementation of the Department's internal rules and working regulations.
3.8. Guiding professional titles in the cultural field under the People's Committees at the commune level.
4. Perform other tasks assigned by the Department Director.


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