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Exciting Great Solidarity Festival activities at Hamlet 1 Residential Area, Minh Thang commune

Thứ hai - 13/11/2023 22:08

On the afternoon of November 12, 2023, Hamlet 1 Residential Area, Minh Thang Commune (Chon Thanh Town) solemnly organized the Great National Solidarity Festival 2023. In attendance were Provincial Party Committee Members and Chairman of the Women's Union. Provincial woman Le Thi Thanh Loan, along with leaders of a number of departments and branches of the province and Chon Thanh town.

At the festival, delegates together reviewed the glorious history of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. In 2023, Hamlet 1, Minh Thang commune will be a typical residential area of ​​Chon Thanh town in building cultural life, achieving cultural residential area for 3 consecutive years. Currently , Hamlet 1, Minh Thang commune has 151 households, with 603 people. As a result, in 2023, 100% of households will register as cultured families. Through evaluation, 98.7% of families will achieve culture; The rate of people participating in health insurance reached over 95%. Union branches in residential areas have mobilized people to raise more than 100 million VND to give gifts to policy families and difficult cases; Hamlet 1, Minh Thang commune reaches the model rural residential area of ​​Minh Thang commune; People always focus on economic development, contributing to raising the average income per capita to over 96 million VND/person/year, higher than the average income per capita of the entire commune of 80 million VND/person/year. ; Currently, Hamlet 1 has no poor or near-poor households.

Speaking at the Festival, Provincial Party Committee Member and Chairwoman of the Provincial Women's Union Le Thi Thanh Loan praised the achievements of the residential area and hoped that the government and local people would further promote the spirit of "Great national unity", mobilizing combined strength to join hands to build an increasingly civilized, prosperous and strong homeland. On this occasion, Provincial Commissioner and Chairwoman of the Provincial Women's Union Le Thi Thanh Loan awarded the provincial logo to recognize 02 outstanding cultural families; At the same time, local leaders also awarded groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in building cultural families and well implementing patriotic emulation movements in the locality.

Cultural performance to welcome the great solidarity festival of

Provincial Commissioner, Chairwoman of the Provincial Women's Union Le Thi Thanh Loan, speaking at the festival

Provincial Commissioner, Chairwoman of the Provincial Women's Union Le Thi Thanh Loan gave Awarding the provincial logo recognizing 02 outstanding cultural families.

Leaders of Minh Thang commune, Chon Thanh town, praising and giving gifts to outstanding families

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